Entrevista – Jane Duncan Rogers – Como lograr una buena muerte
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“How to do a good death”
“Cómo lograr una buena muerte”
Jane Duncan nos acerca de una manera amorosamente experiencial a los que haceres imprescindibles antes de morir, para que la hora de despedirnos no nos pille con los deberes sin hacer y entonces, las tareas inevitables tras la muerte, no nos dejen aún más devastados de lo que nos dejará la separación del ser querido por sí misma.
¿Qué debemos hablar hoy, que mañana no podremos si ya no estoy?
Una conferencia con un fin práctico que podrás ver gratuitamente sólo el sábado 29 de octubre a las 17.00h en vivo aquí.
In this talk, Jane Duncan lovingly explains about the things that are necessary to attend to before we die. This is so we’re not caught with our homework undone when death does finally come. Why should we be even more devastated and therefore worrying about what needs to be done when we could be concentrating on the grieving process instead.
What should we talk about today, that tomorrow we won’t be able to if I’m gone?
A lecture with a practical purpose that you can watch for free only on Saturday 29 October at 17.00h live here.
I am very interested in this talk. I have another commitment at 17:30….I will come for the first 20 min but hope I can watch the recording afterwards! Also…not sure how I will hook up. I guess I will receive zoom links… also did not see how to actually Register for this slot. Thank you. Elizabeth (Barcelona)
Hi Elizabeth, you have to sign up for the whole Festival and then on the day of Jane’s talk, you can click on the link from 17:00h or afterwards in your own time.
Hi. On which link do I have to click?
Hopefully you are enjoying it now Miguel!
I found it. Thanks
What a wonderful chat in between two huge women making this world a better place to live and die. Thanks for both of your generosity
hablar hoy y aprender a transitar este obligado paso con paz… gracias
Muchísimas gracias de corazón