International Death Cafe in English
Death Cafes are respectful and confidential spaces. It is important to understand that they are not bereavement groups, nor do they seek answers. However, talking about a topic that is not usually discussed lightens the negative feelings that socially frame death.
People are increasingly encouraged to participate, even if only out of curiosity. They then discover that talking naturally about death helps us to live more fully and with less fear of an event that will happen eventually, whether for ourselves or for others. Attending a death cafe allows us to obtain some tools to plan for and cope with death once it arrives.
Anticipating the inescapable presence of death will open the door to day-to-day freedom, because TO TALK ABOUT DEATH IS TO TALK ABOUT LIFE.
The following Death Cafe is for you if…
You speak English
Facilitator Glynis German: Celebrant offering ceremonies in English and Spanish for weddings, naming and funerals. Founder of Mallorca Death Cafe (December 2015) running several Death Cafe groups, including an international one in English and one for professionals working in the health care system and funeral companies in Spain. Based in Mallorca, she is also the founder of the Festival Dando Vida a la Muerte. Glynis is a volunteer at a local palliative unit and a member of the association, DIME. She is currently training as an end-of-life doula with UK organisation, Living Well Dying Well and is a member of End of Life Doula UK.
Muchas gracias por esta magnífica iniciativa!
Un regalo empezar el festival invitándonos a la PRESENCIA y al poder de conectarnos con nosotras mismas, sobretodo cuando el peso de los hechos cae sobre nuestros cuerpos. Feliz festival