Death Café in English
Are you awkward when it comes to wondering what’s the right thing to say to someone in mourning? Do you ever consider what happens at death and whether there is life after death? Does the word ‘death’ excite you, offend you or do you think it’s a morbid topic?
Whatever your answers are, one thing is certain… no one really knows what happens next, yet we do know that we’re all going to die!
At a death café there’s no set agenda and no experts on hand to pontificate on death or any after life. Instead, there are people like you and me who like to have a good natter on the one thing about which we know very little.
Grab yourself a cuppa, join the Zoom link and remember to give yourself the space to be undisturbed for 2 hours. Get ready to be pleasantly surprised by your first death café.
Don’t forget to register for the Zoom link by sending a WhatsApp to +34 666 987 430